Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte – Where they go

What expects immigrants in Austria next year
In Österreich soll durch die sogenannte “Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte” die Zuwanderung neu geregelt werden. Die auf einem Punktesystem basierende Regelung soll das bisherige Quotensystem ersetzen. Kriterien für die Zuwanderung sollen etwa bestimmte Qualifikationen, Deutschkenntnisse oder Nachfrage am Arbeitsmarkt sein. Innenministerin Maria Fekter (ÖVP) erklärte, die Karte solle schon 2010 eingeführt werden. Source: Die Presse
In den USA gibt es bereits seit Jahrzehnten die sogenannte Green-Card, die zugleich Niederlassungsbewilligung und Arbeitsgenehmigung ist. Weltweit gibt es einen Wettbewerb um besonders gut ausgebildete Arbeitskräfte – als Beispiel wird meist der indische Software-Experte genannt. Die klassischen Einwanderungsländer USA und Kanada sind dabei die großen Sieger. Source:

440 000 citizens left Russia for countries of Europe and America during the last 5 years

Top ten countries of Russian immigration are: USA, Germany, Canada, Greece, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, UK and Sweden. Here are personal stories of a few immigrants:
Natalia Danko, 32 , from Canada, Toronto
(She left Russia in 2003, journalist, graduate of Moscow State University. Now attends medical college and works as nurse in the hospital)
I moved to Canada, because it was open for emigration. In reality Canada was in great need of hospitality and service personnel, cooks and laborers. It is why one can meet here doctor of medical sciences, who processes chickens in the factory. The persons with higher education- economists, engineers, doctors are forced to start study again. Diploma of journalist is useless here. I were to start all from zero.
Elena Sivokoneva, Italy.
Many people leave Russia only because they don’t want to stay. They start working as cleaners, nurses, laborers of the plants and factories. Many emigrants come through process of disillusionment and disappointment. It is not so easy to get professional fulfillment in Europe, if you have no business of your own or if you are not highly qualified specialist in one of specifics spheres, you have nothing to expect.
Anna Kogan, 35, USA, Westfield
My personal experience makes me to conclude, that the higher your professional and social status in Moscow was, the more difficult the process of emigration and integration in another country goes on. You always find yourself at much lower, humiliating position, and must start all from scratch. It is why for immigration one needs to have drive and to be very brave.

Maria Ordzhonikidze, Moscow sociologist, gives her comments on emigration statistics

Neither Russia, nor Soviet Union bothered to work out reasonable resources economy policy. And this is not only about water, electricity or mineral resources, it is about main wealth of the country- the people. Actual demography catastrophe of Russia is result of such negligence. Too bad is that our political leaders tolerate the common attitude toward Russia as supply appendix for western countries. In this conditions the lost human potential  can never be restored, as well as our oil and gas. Russia must compete with other countries of the world for “brains”, which are flowing away now. Russia must create conditions when talented, highly qualified and highly educated people would prefer to stay at home, other than emigrate and work as cleaners and taxi-drivers abroad.
Source: “Novaya Gazeta”