Air Pollution and Electrosmog



Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health.

Although we encounter natural microwave electromagnetic radiation in the form of cosmic radiation from outer space, the vast majority of electrosmog that we encounter is largely manmade. These atmospheric phenomena, however, emit electromagnetic radiation at lower radio frequencies and are negligibly weak in comparison to manmade sources, which have increased exponentially due to the emergence of television, cellular phone technologies, and WiFI, all of which utilize microwave frequency bands.

How Electrosmog Interfaces with the Bioelectromagnetic Body

It is intuitive that electrosmog would interact with human biology, since human physiology operates in part via electromagnetic fields. Apart from physical information superhighways such as the blood, nervous, and lymphatic systems, the body uses electromagnetic forms of energy transmission and communication which are several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion.

Thus, both the stuff of consciousness and the functioning of our cellular energetics is premised upon electromagnetism, which may be susceptible to distortion by electrosmog.

Potential Immune Disturbances due to Electrosmog Exposure

Although current public health laws are predicated on effects of short-term exposure, research suggests that dosage and repetitive exposures likely influence health risk of electrosmog. Two thirds of studies examined report ecological effects of electromagnetic radiation, and researchers state that, “current evidence indicates that chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation, at levels that are found in the environment, may particularly affect the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems”.

There is, however, often a substantial lag time between exposure and the materialization of symptomatology. The detriment to immune defense often does not become apparent until the body catastrophically fails to overcome an acute challenge.

Sources: BBC News, GreenMedInfo