
Red Poppies of Chu Valley

This is the story of Kyrgyz girl who in turbulent time left her impoverished country for West Europe and came through disastrous experiences of emigration escaping grip of sex trade emissaries – to become eventually professional photographer and American world agency reporter.
(The view of red poppies field in full bloom, how it can be seen in Kyrgyzstan by spring, accompanied by sounds of national instrument komuz sits as background for credits)
Asian looking woman sips her coffee and reads newspaper in the open cafe. By urban sunset landscape below, one may recognize chief Vienna library (Hauptbücherei im Gürtel). For a moment woman looks around. Camera follows her gaze along horizon and then returns to make close-up of women’s eyes. The red colors dominate scenery. Urban silhouettes blur, now and then replaced by poppies fields episodes.

Close-up of red sun disc transforms itself in piece of red cloth. At first it is red scout necktie of a schoolgirl saluting to Lenin portrait. Then it is part of red material over the coffin of Soviet leader during burial at the Red Square (brief flash of documentary, when coffin with General Secretary Brezhnev was unwillingly dropped by one of the solders).Then the red spot becomes the 1 May demo ban and red segment of Austrian employment office emblem (AMS). We see shortly smiling faces of Vienna mayor and Austrian chancellor, cheerful faces of Graz communists (KPÖ), then camera returns to urban landscape. The brief shots of recognizable symbols of Austrian social and political life and events of close vicinities follow (Mr Strache makes speech in Schutzhaus, Mr Lugner gives interview in Lugner city, student strikers move along Neubaugürtel, Mozart music concert takes place in Stadthalle, street walkers stand in twilight along the road and half-nude girls expose themselves in purple windows of night clubs. A few brief fragments of Second World War black-and-white documentaries showing concentration camps prisoners in striped clothes and also modern views of Austrian Braunau, where Hitler was born, may be included in this retrospective part to break monotony of red palette)

Close-up shows actress slanting eyes. Camera dives in black hole of her pupil. It is time travel. Spectator sees heroine 10 years younger in the mob storming doorway of steam locomotive carriage of the train, that departs instantly for Moscow. There is turmoil, struggle, chaos and disorder; one can hear Russian curse and child shrieks in background. Girl managed to climb up in one of carriages, almost without belongings, and travel starts. One can see Kazakh steppes behind the window, camels, clay huts, old women trading melons and fish by roadsides. Camera follows the gaze of heroine and shows ancient equipment of the train, dirty toilets, drunk railroad officers playing cards in empty carriage apartment (from the upper bench overhangs listless bare foot of a young woman, and her old crisscrossed with string suitcase stands in the corner), passengers stuffed in carriages so as they have no place to lay or to sit during three-day journey (to be continued)

By Galina Toktalieva

Author, photographer