Serbian demonstration against Kosovo independence, Vienna, Heldenplatz, 24.02.08, 13.00
As I have no more reliable source of information about Vienna events than FM-4 and Internet sites, I arrived at place more than two hours earlier equipped with three lenses which I eventually didn’t use. When demo started, it was fun to shoot people together with other 4-5 male photographers. But I could not let myself enjoy it for more than half an hour, because I felt nervous I would not have enough time to process photos. Chef von Dienst of Wiener Zeitung Hans Kronspieß told me that normally reporters send photos to editorial office not later than two hours after shooting (I don’t mean he ordered today’s photos, it was my own initiation) I have complex attitudes toward journalism in general as form of self-expression. They say that the first oldest profession is prostitution and the second is journalism. In first case you trade your physical self for temporary use. In second case you trade your verbal self for prolonged use and express opinions of those who pay you