Sexual Fantasies
Men were more likely than women to focus on a specific person in their fantasies. They imagined more taboo topics—Dr.…
follow your bliss
Men were more likely than women to focus on a specific person in their fantasies. They imagined more taboo topics—Dr.…
Among other dreams for paranormal powers, I had dream of myself splitting in two and keeping company of my duplicate.…
A new book reveals that Adolf Hitler ordered the manufacture of Aryan blow up dolls to discourage his troops from…
Worauf hat sie wirklich Lust? Men’s Health fragte 2500 Frauen, wie sie es im Bett gerne hätten. So erfüllen Sie…
Laut einer Umfrage wissen Männer, was Frauen wollen. Dabei haben Männer einzuschätzen versucht, was Frauen in Bezug auf Charakter, berufliches…
Likewise others, I attained normal Soviet school, where among other exotic subjects we studied scientific atheism. In classroom with portrait…
Coming back home in twilight, I see street prostitutes in Hütteldorferstrasse during their evening shift. Girls have extremely minimized professional…